Can you use body wash on your face?

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Skincare has become a big part of everyday life and includes everyone regardless of gender. A while back, in previous years, skincare was considered a feminine practice. However, people are now more aware of what they should and should not do concerning their skin. Currently, there are different products available. They include body washes and face washes, just to name a few.

Part of the product is 2 in 1 body and face washes. It makes you think. There must be a reason for developing the body and skin wash separately. This fact brings up the debate of the question that seems to come up a lot. Could it be possible to use body wash on your face? Many professionals say that it would not be advisable to use body wash on your face for the following reasons:

Harsh chemicals in body wash, While choosing any skin product, it is crucial to keep your skin type in mind. Check the ingredients in the products to avoid risking unfavorable reactions. As expected, the skin on the face is more delicate than the body. A body wash may lead to severe reactions when used on the face.

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Some ingredients used could interfere with the PH on your face. It could also strip away natural oils (sebum) found in your face. There possibly could be side effects to your skin, for example, burning, peeling, itching, and tightness to mention a few. In the cases of sensitive skin and maybe acne, the skin is irritated thus causing the outbreaks to worsen.

Damage to the skin, like sunburn, may worsen when irritated by the harsh chemicals in the body wash. Hence, it is better to avoid using body wash on your face.

Despite being warned against it, there are some cases where you find yourself washing your face with body wash.

No option at times. When taking that hurried morning shower, you discover you are out of face wash. Simply, you may be inclined to use your body wash as a face wash. In such a case, it is understandable. Using body wash seems like a better compromise than not washing your face. So long as you do not make a habit of it, there will be mild or no side effects at all.

Convenience– Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see 2 in 1 products. Some washes are meant to use on both the face and body. Considering how expensive skin care products can get, you may find 2-in-1 body washes more affordable.

Nonetheless, a few of the harsh chemicals contained in the body wash may be present in this 2-in-1 product. Although mild, the side effects will still manifest with time. Oftentimes, you wonder why you should stress about washing your face, while the body wash is right there. It may take a bit of time but eventually, you will begin to feel and see the impact of the body wash on your face. It is advisable to continue buying the face and body wash separately.

Using a body wash on your face is not the safest option.

What is the difference between a body wash and a face wash?

As we have already established, the skin on the face is far more delicate than the body’s skin.

This is why body wash contains chemicals that are considered harsh on the face. With face

cleansers, they are made to be gentler on our skin, and in turn, we can keep a healthy skin barrier.

You may be wondering what a skin barrier is and what purpose it serves. This barrier is on our

skin. It is slightly acidic and contains a thin film known as the acidic mantle. It is our first line of defense from things such as bacterial infections, UV rays, and even pollution.

The harsh chemicals in the body wash will inevitably strip the mantle away leaving you vulnerable to different skin conditions and even premature aging.

What are the alternatives?

Looking at skin care from a financial angle, multi-purpose skin care products do not seem so bad. To be on the safe side, you could choose a fragrance-free body wash. It may be more friendly to your face.

You may choose to use homemade soap. The premise here is that it has no chemicals and is therefore harmless. No matter what soap is made from, there is always the issue of PH. You have no way of measuring the PH of homemade soap. Eventually, if not well balanced, you may find negative side effects despite an all-natural remedy to make the soap.

You may choose to avoid all processed forms of soaps and embrace natural methods such as:

Clay– It is a good option for absorbing impurities directly from the pores.

Fruits and vegetables– They are known to clean pores due to the enzymes they possess. Cucumber and avocado masks are common.

Milk– You may not be able to take a full milk bath. The cheaper but still effective method is to fill your tub with warm water and then add 2-4 cups of whole milk or even powdered milk. Soak in it for a while then use a washcloth. The results are wonderful.

These are just a few alternative methods to soaps, face, and body washes.


To adopt an effective skincare routine, you need some basics. Some of the basics include knowing your skin type. Being aware of the difference between your facial and body skin is a step in the right direction.

It is best to steer clear of using body wash on your face because, in the long term, it causes harm.

In case your skin doesn’t cause you any problems, you could stick to water and use facial cleansers from time to time.

It is advisable to rid your skin of excessive oils.

Soap and body wash will inevitably cause your skin to dry and even clog your pores. To be on the safe side, use skin care products on the body parts they have been assigned to.

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