Faded Double HAIRLINE Tutorial

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most important thing you’re going to 0:49 need to complete this lineup tutorial is 0:51 a tailored band that’s right it’s a 0:54 tailor bag you need a sailor band and 0:56 control this look is get into it live 0:58 lineup gets all about the double Rhonda 1:00 a lot of you guys asked me how to get to 1:02 double honor 1:02 they usually comb and now you’re here is 1:04 right in front of them so first thing I 1:06 do is I push my hair all the way back I 1:09 push my hair all the way back you see 1:11 that girls are saying an hour here I’ll 1:12 push all of that all the way back now 1:14 one thing that you can do with this if 1:16 you want to take your tailored band and 1:21 just lay that right across your lineup 1:24 so you’re here to be pushed back away 1:25 from alright so now as you got the table 1:27 band wrap right around it so now you 1:29 just go to comb your hair up and now 1:33 you’re going to comb your hair 1:34 now you’re going to comb it down so 1:37 you’re going to comb it down and make 1:41

Double HAIRLINE Tutorial

sure now in order to do this you have to 1:43 separate line that’s what we do we’re 1:45 separating the line we’re separating the 1:48 line now you’re going to comb it down 1:49 now you see how all of that is coming 1:51 down I don’t you got that all the way 1:53 calm down you can take off the Taylor 1:54 band 1:55 but one thing that you can do is you 1:56 grab your barber actually fade this down 1:58 so now that you got the little hair 2:00 that’s in the front you call me down you 2:02 can either have a barber fade it down to 2:04 blend it in or you can just comb 2:06 all right so now you want to take that 2:09 very same comb I’m going to take that 2:11 very same comb and onto not the straight 2:15 way you’re going to have it like this 2:16 you’re going to have a budget now as you 2:28 can see how straight my line is you can 2:32 see that separation right there it’s all 2:35 about that

separation you see how their 2:37 combs back you see that separation that 2:39 gives the illusion of a visible line you 2:42 now have the abyss of line all right so 2:43 now you just created that invisible line 2:45 as you can see you parted your hair away 2:48 look you got the tail abandon you parts 2:51 your hair away now you have that part 2:53 right there that invisible line that you 2:55 just created now we see how straight it 2:58 is all the way across that’s how you get 3:00 that invisible line now the next part is 3:04 very simple you’re going to have to 3:05 Krispies it up you’re going to take your 3:06 razor 3:07 now we take your razor alright so now 3:18 you went down on the razor now you see 3:20 that line there keep that’s where you 3:21 have to have tailor bands depending on 3:23 how long your here is as you see it 3:25 keeps looping down because my hair 3:27 that’s how my hair is it

zooms down so 3:30 now you have to line up all the way 3:31 across I’ll blend it in so now it makes 3:34 this evened up so you got it I’ve got to 3:36 keep pushing the back so now you see how 3:39 even double you see how you got that 3:40 invisible line right there that’s the 3:43 perfect that’s what you want so now 3:44 we’re going to play some more eco style 3:46 Oh get some more eco styler this time 3:49 you’re going to put this on the sides 3:50 here here now you got on the side here 3:56 now now this is what I do I brush the 4:02 top part back and then I brush the lower 4:05 part down so now this part is getting 4:08 first back 4:09 in this part of the embrace out you see 4:11 how crispy that is you see how crispy 4:14 down on it alright so you’re going to do 4:16 the same to this side you’re going to 4:17 brush it back this side the top part you 4:23 brush up and backwards this part you 4:26 brush down again that separation 4:27 remember it’s all about creating an 4:29 invisible line so

now you got two here 4:33 remember we’re not going to use a pit 4:35 never use a pit so now you’re going to 4:38 use a method where I thought the senior 4:40 pit message you see how my hair 4:45 automatically lays down that’s not my 4:48 area is automatically lays down so now 4:52 see this is always going to lay down 4:55 it’s always going to lay now get the 4:56 straight that way now this is something 4:58 that I definitely will recommend you do 4:59 at night because at night when you wake 5:01 up in the morning is going to be a lot 5:03 more creepy so now all you’re going to 5:04 do is set your table thing otherwise 5:07 this then you’re going to take your 5:08

tailor bed your headband boom 5:11 Taylor bed now this is the fun part 5:16 I’m going to put it right on that line 5:18 up part you see I’ll put it right on the 5:21 ladder and then right around my hair so 5:25 now that part is going to be laid down 5:27 so now you got that any part lay down 5:30 and you got the taking part lay down as 5:32 well and then you can pull your hair 5:34 over so now when you take it off in the 5:38 morning it’s gonna be extra crispy and 5:40 this is the line of tutorials very 5:41 simple it’s very easy

Double HAIRLINE Tutorial

Taylor bandit 5:43 Taylor Ben is the most important part if 5:45 you don’t have a Taylor band you need to 5:47 get one because that’s the part that’s 5:49 going to actually have the tapered line 5:50 up because when you take it off is going 5:52 to be so crispy and laying down you go 5:54 have a freshness lineup so Taylor Trump 5:56 I hope you enjoyed this line of tutorial 5:58 edged up line up 5:59 how to fix your line up how to grow back 6:01 whatever you call it I hope you enjoyed 6:03 this line of tutorials my name is 6:05 Terrell tell you have any questions or 6:06 concerns leave them in the comment 6:07 section below make sure you realize the 6:10 mostly because all eyes on the taylor 6:12 tribe remember 6:13 is never too late to tailor your like 6:14 the way you want it I’m Terrell thetic I 6:15 would be next out

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