Prickly Feeling After Shaving Pubic Hair: How to Stop the Irritation

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If you’re like most people, you probably shave your pubic hair for hygiene reasons. However, did you know that shaving can cause more ingrown hairs and skin irritation than leaving the hair alone?

In this post, we’ll discuss how to deal with any skin irritation that may occur when shaving your pubic hair. Stay safe and healthy down there!

Prickly Feeling After Shaving Pubic Hair – Possible Causes

When you shave, you are cutting the hair off at the surface of the skin. If done incorrectly, this can cause the sharp ends of the hair to poke into the skin and cause discomfort.

In addition, shaving can also lead to ingrown hairs, which can cause further irritation.

To avoid these problems, it is essential to shave in the direction of hair growth and use a sharp razor.

You may also want to try using shaving cream or gel to help lubricate the skin and prevent irritation. Finally, if you experience any discomfort after shaving, be sure to apply a soothing lotion or balm to the area.

How to Avoid Getting Razor Burns in that Sensitive Area

Shaving is an effective way of removing hair, but doing it incorrectly can lead to problems such as itchiness and ingrown hairs.

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To avoid these issues, first, consider the type of blade you will be using. If you are shaving with a disposable razor, try holding it at a 30-degree angle to the skin during the shave.

Apply enough shaving cream or gel to prevent irritation and lubricate the skin surface for smoother passes with the blade.

Finally, make sure you let your hair grow long enough before shaving so that it’s easier to cut without causing too many nicks or cuts on yourself. This gives less chance for sharp ends into the skin after you’ve shaved.

How to Soothe Irritation and Inflammation After Shaving

To decrease inflammation and reduce skin irritation, you can first rinse the area with cold water or an astringent lotion containing witch hazel.

This can help close up your pores and rid yourself of any bacteria that may have been introduced via a nick or cut from a razor blade.

After applying moisturizing cream to the area, be sure to avoid wearing tight clothing during the initial days after hair removal, as this can irritate sensitive skin even more.

Products that can Help Reduce the Risk of Developing Ingrown Hairs

Several products are available on today’s market that claim they will prevent ingrown hairs from occurring in the bikini area by removing dead skin cells.

You can also apply a solution of 1 part glycolic acid to 3 parts water or use an exfoliating scrub, which will work to slough off dead skin cells on your bikini line and make it easier for your hairs to grow back in the right direction.

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Tips for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Bikini Area

Here are some tips for maintaining a clean and healthy bikini area:

  1. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Use shaving cream or gel to reduce irritation and prevent nicks and cuts.
  3. Trim long hair with scissors before shaving for smoother results.
  4. Rinse skin thoroughly after shaving to remove dead skin cells that lead to ingrown hairs.
  5. Moisturize immediately after shaving, but avoid using creams containing oil as they can clog pores (you can use an oil-free solution if you choose).
  6. Apply sunscreen daily, especially if you tend to tan easily or have sensitive skin.
  7. Avoid hot water when showering. This may dry out your skin too much and irritate it.
  8. Don’t try to pluck ingrown hairs, as this can cause further irritation and infection.
  9. Avoid tight clothing until hair has had a chance to grow back in more fully.
  10. In the event of redness, itching, or discomfort, contact your doctor immediately, as these may be signs of an infection. If you have any questions about shaving your bikini area, be sure to ask a healthcare provider before doing so.


As you can see, there are various ways to avoid irritation and inflammation after shaving your pubic hair. The key is finding what works best for you and then sticking with it!

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